FIFA, with modifications used by the Colorado Soccer Association (CSA) as published below.
The application deadline is June 10th, 2020.
The Tournament date June 26th – 28 2020
The age group structure as established by US Soccer will govern, as modified below. All players (including guest players) must have been born on or after the specified date for their age classification.
Teams Age Group U09: January 1, 2011 U15: January 1, 2005 U10: January 1, 2010 U16: January 1, 2004 U11: January 1, 2009 U17: January 1, 2003 U12: January 1, 2008 U18: January 1, 2002 U13: January 1, 2007 U19: January 1, 2001 U14: January 1, 2006
| FORMAT OF PLAY U09 to U10: 7v7 U11 to U12: 9v9 U13 to U19: 11v11
SUBSTITUTION Unlimited substitutions (with the referee's permission) will be allowed at the following times: After a goal At the beginning of the second half or at the beginning of an overtime period At a goal kick for either team At a throw-in by the team in possession At a stoppage of play for an injury on a one-for-one basis for the injured player To replace a cautioned player (other team may also substitute a like number)
| GAME LENGTH U09 to U12: 25-minute halves U13 to U14: 30-minute halves/35-Minutes Finals U15 to U19: 35-minute halves/40- minutes Finals Semi-final and final games that end in a tie will result in two 10-minute overtime periods (no sudden death). Semi-final and final games that remain tied after the two overtime periods will be decided by FIFA's penalty kick procedure.
GAME LENGTH U09 to U12: 25-minute halves U13 to U14: 30-minute halves/35-Minutes Finals U15 to U19: 35-minute halves/40- minutes Finals Semi-final and final games that end in a tie will result in two 10-minute overtime periods (no sudden death). Semi-final and final games that remain tied after the two overtime periods will be decided by FIFA's penalty kick procedure.
| GUEST PLAYERS All teams are allowed up to four guest players. All guest players must be carded. Maximum roster size for U09 through U12 teams is 14 players. Maximum roster size for U13 and U14 is 16 players and U15 through U19 teams is 18 players (all 18 may dress for any game).
DIVISION WINNERS Standings will be determined on the basis of standings points, as follows: 3 points for a win 1 point for a tie 0 points for a loss Bonus points, which will be used as part of the tiebreaker process only, will be awarded as follows: 1 bonus point up to a maximum of +/- 3 per game for the difference between goals for and goals against Bonus point for each shutout win
| In the event of a tie in standings points, division ranking will be decided as follows:
Head to head competition Most wins. Bonus points, Fewest goals against, Most goals scored Fewest discipline points (1 pt for yellow card, 2 pts for red card) FIFA penalty kick procedure In the event that more than two teams are tied, the above tiebreakers will be applied until such time as one or more teams "fall out" of the tie. At that point, the remaining "tied teams" will return to the first tiebreaker and have the process re-applied. This process will occur until all ties have been broken.
Any team that forfeits a game will automatically forfeit all of its games and may not advance to a semifinal or final game. This includes games actually played as well as unplayed. Forfeits will be recorded as a 1-0 result.
Aurora Classic Cup and its affiliates will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any team if the tournament is cancelled in whole or in part. Any team that disregards any decision made by the tournament committee will be removed from the tournament and forfeit all of its games. If the tournament is cancelled in whole or in part due to inclement weather, refunds will be processed after tournament expenses are paid. When such circumstances have occurred, the refund policy has been applied generously.
Current player passes (US Youth Soccer, or US Soccer Organizational Member) for all players must be presented and verified against the team roster at tournament registration or at any time as requested by the referee or tournament committee. Teams should be prepared to present player passes at any time during the tournament. Teams must be in good standing with the Colorado Soccer Association (CSA).
A valid roster (from US Youth Soccer or other US Soccer Organizational Member) must be presented at registration.
Teams outside of the state of Colorado must present a Permission to travel form signed by a duly authorized state or national association representative, IF your State Association so requires.
Teams must maintain medical treatment authorization forms for all players in a form adequate for use at the site of the tournament. They must be presented at registration, and kept at the field during all team activities. These forms are not required to be notarized, but are recommended to be notarized (more likely to be accepted by medical personnel at a hospital).
Players may play for only one team that is entered in the tournament
All decisions made by the referee and tournament committee are final and binding. No protests are allowed.
Players receiving a red card or a total of two yellow cards during the tournament will be ineligible for their team's next game. The tournament committee reserves the right to suspend or expel any player, coach, or spectator from the tournament for unruly conduct.
No coaches or spectators are allowed between the 18-yard line and the end line, or beyond the end line.
No warmups are allowed in the goalmouths during pre-game
No alcoholic beverages are allowed on Lowry Sports Complex grounds
The referee of each game will forward to the appropriate field marshal his/her official written game report, including the final score, the name and number of each coach, player, or person cautioned or ordered from the field, and reason for any such disciplinary action. The coach of each team must sign the game report at the end of each game.
Heading the ball is prohibited in U11 games and younger. At age group divisions U11 and younger, whenever the ball strikes a player in the head, play is stopped. If deliberate, then the proper restart is an indirect free kick to the opposing team. If this occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred. If the play by the head is deemed inadvertent, then the proper restart is a dropped ball.
A team may not start a game with fewer than seven players (five for U09 and U10 age groups, six for U11 and U12 age groups). Teams unable to field the requisite number of players will have a ten-minute grace period after the match's scheduled start time before a forfeit is declared.
Shin guards are mandatory for all players. Players must wear numbers on the back of their jerseys that correspond with the team roster. Home team must change to an alternate jersey in the event of a color conflict. Cleats with metal studs are not allowed.
If inclement weather forces cancellation after at least half of a regulation game has been played, the game shall be considered official and the score at the point of cancellation shall be recorded as the final score. The decision on whether a game will be "cancelled or recommenced" (if the referee agrees to resume play) will be made by the Tournament Director. If a game must be stopped before halftime, the Tournament Director will rule on its rescheduling or other resolution. Such a game may be temporarily halted or recommenced, picking up where play was halted. Regardless of weather conditions, it is the responsibility of all affected teams to monitor the status of their games (via the tournament website) and to appear with their team ready to play as scheduled by the Tournament Director if games are recommenced. The referee, Tournament Director, or field marshal may postpone any game. Once the decision is made to cancel a game, that decision is final. Teams that continue to play may be suspended from tournament. In all cases, the Tournament reserves the right to abbreviate or shorten all games in order to adjust to weather or other complications that may occur.
All team Coaches or Managers can download the Rules and Sign during check-in. The Tournament will also have copies if you do not have them in handy